3 Tips For Surviving The Window Replacement Process
If you are currently in the process of having your windows replaced, you might be looking forward to the new look that they will give your home. Plus, knowing that your windows are brand new and that they work as intended, and that they are more energy efficient than your older windows, can also be a great feeling. However, the actual process of having them replaced can be a big pain, since it can leave your home windowless in the meantime. These are a few tips to remember to make it easier to survive the window replacement process.
1. Choose the Right Time of Year
First of all, you'll want to choose the right time of year to tackle this project. Even though your window installer might be willing to come out and do the job during the heat of summer or the cold months of winter, a better choice can be to have your windows replaced during a milder time of year. Then, as the extra air gets into your home, you won't have to worry as much about it affecting the indoor temperature.
2. Use Plastic Sheeting
Plastic sheeting can be a lifesaver during a window replacement process. You can hang up the plastic sheeting over the window "holes" while you are waiting for the windows to be replaced, which will help keep both the elements and the insects out of your home. You can purchase large plastic sheets from a home improvement store -- in fact, you may be able to find a large roll that you can cut to fit as needed. Then, you can save the rest of the sheeting for painting projects and more.
3. Keep Rooms Closed Off
Another thing to try is to keep rooms closed when the windows are not in their places. For example, if the workers remove the plastic sheeting to continue the replacement of the windows, you may want to shut the door to that room. Then, you can help keep the heat or cold air and bugs out, and you can help keep children and pets safe.
Even though going without windows for a few days in the midst of one of these projects can be a big pain, following these three survival tips can make it a whole lot easier. Then, you can focus on enjoying your new windows and their benefits once they have been installed.
Contact a company like Gilkey Windows for more information.