3 Levels Of Window Security To Consider When Installing A New Window
When you invest in new windows, you want to make sure that you invest in windows that will really keep your home safe. You need to think carefully about the glass, locks, and screens that your new window has and how those elements will work together to keep you safe.
Stay Safe with the Right Glass
The type of glass that is in your new windows matters. There are a few different types of glass that can be installed in your new window that will increase your safety.
Laminated glass, often called safety glass, is a type of glass that has layers of laminate in between each layer of glass. These layers of laminate help keep the glass together if it is ever broken.
Then there are hurricane-impact windows. These windows are specially tested to withstand the impact of items of great force without breaking. These windows are extremely strong and will protect your home from storm impact and from all other types of force.
You can also go for bullet-proof glass, which is extremely expensive but is some of the strongest glass you could purchase.
Make Sure You Keep Things Locked Up
Next, you want to make sure that you keep things properly locked up. Be sure that any window you purchase comes with a sturdy lock. A sturdy lock will ensure that your window cannot be forced open.
If you are really concerned about security, you can have a sturdy lock with a key installed on your windows. That way you can lock and secure your windows from inside of your house.
You can also have clips installed on your windows. For windows that slide open, you can have a clip installed on the bottom of the window pane that will clip into your window sill. This helps secure and keep your window shut.
Think Carefully About the Screen
Finally, make sure that you think carefully about the screen that you put on your new window as well. If you want to keep bugs out, you'll want to go with an aluminum wire window screen. If you need to keep out tiny bugs, like gnats and sand flies, go for a fine mesh fiberglass screen. If you want to keep intruders out, you are going to want to go with a security screen.
When it comes to installing a new window, you want to make sure that your window has all the right security measures in place. Carefully choose the glass, locks, and screens that your new window has to ensure that it provides you with the protection you need.